David Russell Update : Forced ECT Hearing Nov. 25th
David Russel is once again facing forced electroshock treatment. The is an update on his situation and how you can help.
David Russel is once again facing forced electroshock treatment. The is an update on his situation and how you can help.
Does modern electroconvulsive therapy use less electricty than in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest era? Douglas G. Cameron’s work challenges common claims about Electroconvulsive Therapy, arguing that it causes lasting brain damage and memory loss, as he experienced firsthand. His recent works further reveal the increased risks from modern ECT devices and question the science behind convulsive therapy.
Despite claims that modern ECT is different from the portrayal in "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest," forced unmodified ECT is still happening globally.
Learn about new litigation opportunities in the the United States.
Learn about an important international ECT research opportunitiy for those who have had ECT and their loved ones.
Several MPs in England have proposed banning electroconvulsive therapy until its safety can be better determined.