Living With ECT (electroconvulsive Therapy) Brain Injury; Failed by ECTAS, RCPSYCH, NICE, and CQC

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Over last 20 years The Royal College of Psychiatrists and ECTAS have repeatedly defended their stance that ECT saves lives.

Their energies should have been spent ensured that research and data were collected to evidence long term safety and efficacy and that their lax practices were improved to ensure that ECT did not wreck peoples’ lives.

They did not.

This video explains what it feels like to suffer from brain injury caused by ECT, a procedure that I was consented to be relatively safe.

It explains why I believe our injuries should be referred to as brain damage.

I discuss the failings by ECTAS and the Royal College of psychiatrists to consent us, protect us and rehabilitate us.

I finish by listing the actions that our ECT campaign group are asking ECTAS to do.

Nowhere do I ask that ECT is banned.

Dr. Susan Cunliffe, MBchB honours

Follow Sue’s work on Twitter

Further Reading


Anna is a childhood psychiatric drug and a teenage electroshock survivor. She founded Life After ECT to ensure people injured by electroconvulsive therapy have easy access to resources that can help them understand their injuries and find a path to recovery.