Disability Pride After ECT
Memory Loss and Misdiagnosis: Kerry Hodgson's ECT Experience and Call for Informed Consent
Forced ECT at Minnesota's Mayo Clinic: A Rehabilitation Counselor Weighs in on David Russel's Involuntary Shock Treatment
California Supreme Court ruled that patients' autonomy in making treatment decisions must be respected
Two ways to protect yourself against forced electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Understanding Period Poverty and How it Impacts Women Disabled by ECT
Concerns Raised Over Unmodified Electroconvulsive Therapy at Central Institute of Psychiatry, India
The Hidden Harms of Electroshock Therapy: A Womans Plea to the FDA - Docket #82P-0316
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT): A Biophysics Perspective on Potential Risks and Impacts
Marketing vs. Reality: The Continuing Use of Forced and Unmodified ECT in Modern Times